- Today Nifty opened gap up
- I'm expecting nifty to trade between 17000 to 17300
- as usual i build a strangle 17350 to 17100.
- @10.48 nifty broke R1 and sustained
- so I moved 17100 PE to 17150 PE.
- .@11.14 nifty continuous to rally.
- So again I moved 17150 pe to 17200PE
- @11.30 I shifted 17350E to 17400
- I'm Expecting some retracement but not happened
- @12.30 i moved17200 pe to 17250 pe
- @12.50 I moved 17250PE to 17300PE .
- @1.45 i squared off all positions with loss of 4k
- @2.07 I builded a straddle 17350ce and 17350pe with hedges 17400ce and 17300pe
- This straddle back fired Nifty continuous moving.
- @ last I builded a 17400 straddle due to panic this is also squared off.
- @last i sold 17400ce 1000 quantity with hedge of 17450
- If i waited till end i have no loss and no profit
About Manikanta
Hi, "My name is Manikanta, and I am a skilled Data Scientist and Graphic Designer working as a freelancer. If you're interested in purchasing this domain, availing graphic design services, or collaborating on data science projects, feel free to reach out to me."..
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